...attorneys... do a test Zoom meeting with your clients prior to any hearing... always do a test video call; ...they MUST use a computer and not their phone for connecting via Zoom.

Train your clients on Zoom.  

I want to emphasize the need for all you attorneys to go ahead and do a test Zoom meeting with your clients prior to any hearing. Once again I noticed attorneys having issues. In this case, a client was refusing to show her video on the screen and was having technical issues aside from that. This did not help her case at all.

So, PLEASE, always do a test video call; and remember, if they are going to have an interpreter throughout, they MUST use a computer and not their phone for connecting via Zoom.

The interpreter will most likely call your client’s cell phone to interpret simultaneously during the meeting, hence the need for two devices.

If you want to avoid this, consider asking the judge to test out Zoom’s simultaneous interpreting feature!

Jose Vega is not an attorney and nothing here is legal advice and everything here is intended for lawyer’s ears only.

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